
- Email:
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- Teléfono: 958 248 871
- Cargo: Profesora titular
- Departamento: Anatomía Patológica e Historia de la Ciencia
Líneas de Investigación actuales
- Historia de los derechos y de la salud sexual y reproductiva
- Historia de género en España y Polonia
Proyectos de Investigación de género (últimos 10 años)
- PID2020-113312GA-I00, Aborto no punible en España: ciencia, asistencia y movimientos sociales (décadas de 1980 y 1990). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigadora principal Agata Ignaciuk (Universidad de Granada). 2021-2024. 25.410 €.
- Inventing "Reproductive Rights": Sex, Bodies and Population, 1945-1995. Arts and Humanities Research Council. Investigadora principal Maud Bracke. (University of Glasgow). 2021-2023. 260.000 €. Miembro del equipo
- 3H180710, Medicine and Catholicism since the late 19th century. Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO). Investigadora principal Kaat Wils. (Catholic University of Leuven). 2019-2023. 62.500 €. Miembro de equipo
- 2016/21/P/HS3/04080, Birth control cultures in Poland, 1945-1989. Marie Curie Sklodowska Actions COFUND - Horizon2020; National Science Center, Poland. Investigadora principal Agata Ignaciuk (University of Warsaw). 2017-2019. 190.000 €.
- HAR2012-39644-C02-01, Anticoncepción, sexualidad y salud: memorias de vida y prácticas sanitarias en España durante el Franquismo y la Transición Democrática. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. IP Teresa Ortiz Gómez. (Universidad de Granada). 2013-2017. 52.650 €. Miembro de equipo.
- HAR2008-05809, La constitución de la planificación familiar en España durante los últimos años del franquismo y la transición democrática. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. IP Teresa Ortiz Gómez. (Universidad de Granada). 2009-2013. 36.300 €. Miembro de equipo.
Publicaciones (últimos 10 años)
Publicaciones en revistas (selección)
- Bull, Sarah and Ignaciuk, Agata (2024). "Introduction: Sex, science and censorship," Journal of the History of Sexuality 33 (1): 1-11.
- Ignaciuk, Agata and Kościańska, Agnieszka. (2023) “Re-gendering childbirth: Catholicism and medical activism regarding birth preparation in Poland (1950s–1990s),” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Volume 78, Issue 3, July 2023, Pages 249–269,
- Chełstowska, Agata and Ignaciuk, Agata. (2023) “Criminalization, medicalization, and stigmatization. Genealogies of abortion activism in Poland,” Signs Journal of Women in Culture and Society 48(2):423-453, DOI:10.1086/722897.
- Jarska, Natalia and Ignaciuk, Agata (2022). “Marriage, gender and demographic change: managing fertility in state-socialist Poland,” Slavic Review 81 (1): 142-162 (autora de correspondencia).
- Kościańska, Agnieszka, Ignaciuk, Agata and Chełstowska, Agata (2022) “Catholic intimacies: Negotiating contraception in late communist Poland,” Journal of Religious History 8 May 2022 (autora de correspondencia).
- Jarska, Natalia and Ignaciuk, Agata (2022) “Premarital sex in state-socialist Poland: A generational perspective” East European Politics, Societies and Cultures 7 May 2022 (autora de correspondencia).
- Ignaciuk, Agata (2022) “Innovation and maladjustment. Contraceptive technologies in state-socialist Poland, 1950s-1970s,” Technology and Culture 63 (1): 182-208.
- Ignaciuk, Agata (2021) “In sickness and in health. Expert discussions on abortion indications, risks and patient-doctor relationship in postwar Poland,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 95 (1): 83-112.
- Ignaciuk, Agata and Sethna, Christabelle (2020) “Charters for choice: Abortion travel, abortion referral networks and Spanish women’s transnational reproductive agency, 1975-1985,” Gender & History 32(2): 286-303.
- Ignaciuk, Agata and Kelly, Laura (2020) “Contraception and Catholicism in the twentieth century: Transnational perspectives on expert, activist and intimate practices,” Medical History 64 (2): 163-172.
- Kuźma-Markowska, Sylwia and Ignaciuk, Agata (2020) “Family planning advice in state-socialist Poland, 1950s-1980s: Local and transnational exchanges,” Medical History 64 (2): 240-266 (autora de correspondencia).
- Ignaciuk, Agata (2020) “No man’s land? Gendering contraception in family planning advice literature in state-socialist Poland (1950s-1980s),” Social History of Medicine 33 (4): 1327-1349.
- Ortiz-Gómez, Teresa and Ignaciuk, Agata (2019) “Investigar y comunicar la historia de la anticoncepción,” Atlánticas. Revista Internacional de Estudios Feministas 4 (1): 64-85.
- Ortiz-Gómez, Teresa and Ignaciuk, Agata (2018) “Historia de la anticoncepción e historia oral, una revisión bibliográfica,” Dynamis 38 (2): 293-302.
- Ignaciuk, Agata and Villén Jiménez, Alba (2018) “¿Una pequeña revolución sexual? Experiencias de sexualidad y anticoncepción de mujeres andaluzas entre los años cincuenta y ochenta del siglo XX,” Dynamis 38 (2): 303-331 (autora de correspondencia).
- Ortiz-Gómez, Teresa and Ignaciuk, Agata (2018) “The fight for family planning in Spain during late Francoism and transition to democracy,” Journal of Women’s History 32 (2): 38-62.
- Ortiz-Gómez, Teresa and Ignaciuk, Agata (2015) “‘Pregnancy and labour cause more deaths than oral contraceptives’: The debate on the pill in the Spanish press in the 1960s and 1970s,” Public Understanding of Science 24 (6): 658-671 (autora de correspondencia).
- Ignaciuk, Agata and Ortiz-Gómez, Teresa (2016) Anticoncepción, mujeres y género. La “píldora” en España y Polonia (Madrid: Catarata).
Capítulos de libros (selección)
- Ignaciuk, Agata (2022) “Marital intercourse means togetherness and parenthood: The biopolitics of Catholic marriage preparation in Poland during the 1970s.” In: Klich-Kluczewska, Barbara, von Puttkamer, Joachim and Rebitschek, Immo, eds. Biopolitics in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century (London: Routledge), pp. 56-72.
- Ignaciuk, Agata (2019) “Abortion travel and the cost of reproductive choice in Spain (1967-1985).” In: Sethna, Christabelle and Davis, Gayle, eds. Abortion across borders: Transnational travel and access to abortion services (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press), pp. 231-251.
- Ignaciuk, Agata (2018) “Paradox of the pill: Oral contraceptives in Spain and Poland (1960s-1970s).” In: Gembries, Ann-Katrin, Theuke, Theresia and Heinemann, Isabel, eds. Children by choice? Changing values, reproduction, and family planning in the twentieth century (Berlin: De Gruyter), pp. 123-143.
- Ignaciuk, Agata (2018) “Love in the time of El Generalísimo: Debates about the pill in Spain before and after Humanae Vitae.” In: Harris, Alana, ed. The schism of '68: Catholics, contraception and Humanae Vitae in Europe, 1945-1975 (London: Palgrave), pp. 229-250.
- Ignaciuk, Agata (2016) “Reproductive policies and women’s birth control practices in state-socialist Poland (1960s-1980s).” In: Niethammer, Lutz and Satjuko, Silke, eds. “Wenn die Chemie stimmt”. Gender relations and birth control in the age of the “pill” (Göttingen: Wallstein), pp. 271-294.